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About Our School


Dalton St. Michael's Church of England Primary School which is situated in Dalton on the edge of the Ashurst area of Skelmersdale, West Lancashire.

We are extremely fortunate that our school environment and local surroundings are picturesque and ideal for a wealth of teaching and learning experiences both inside and outside.

Our small, friendly, village school caters for up to seventy children in addition to ten pre-school children. It is a happy school. We have a fantastic team of experienced staff who know our children and families well. We have families who attend our school from one generation to the next so it really does feel like one big happy family, something OFSTED identified in our 2012 Inspection.

We pride ourselves that we promote learning for our children in a safe and nurturing environment, allowing each child to maximise their potential focusing on their strengths and achievements and supporting their developmental needs. Our children leave Dalton St Michael's with a wealth of skills and experiences in readiness for high school and beyond.