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The Curriculum at Dalton St Michael's


The 'connected curriculum' at Dalton St Michael's C.E. has been designed to meet the needs of all pupils. It is delivered within a context that is meaningful and relevant to the children's everyday lives. Different styles of teaching and learning are used with practical 'first hand' experiences wherever possible. The curriculum is enhanced through inspirational themes which are both creative and enjoyable incorporating opportunities for out-of-school visits and regular visitors into school.

The 'connected curriculum' has been planned to ensure progression, enjoyment and provide opportunities for all children to excel. This has ensured that the basic skills are transferred into other areas of the curriculum. This is a cross-curricular approach which embeds basic English, Mathematics, Computing and Problem solving skills throughout all learning experiences in a more creative and enjoyable way.

Where appropriate we use the outdoor environment to enhance learning. The children are encouraged to use nature and their surroundings to help understand the environment and the world around us.

Summer Term 2024

Class one The Farm Shop and Buckets and Spades

Class two Water, Water Everywhere and How does your Garden Grow?

Class three Amazon Adventures and Faster, Higher, Stronger


Spring Term 2024

Class one Amazing Animals and Arctic Adventures and Fighting Fit

Class two Passport to Europe and Healthy Humans

Class three Earthlings


Autumn Term 2023

Class one The Place Where I Live and Fire Fire

Class two The Art of Food and Sparks Might Fly

Class three Survival and Britten's Got Talent


Summer Term 2023

Class one In the Garden and Ticket to Ride

Class two Farm Shop

Class three Food, Glorious Food (continued from spring term for summer 1)


Spring Term 2023

Class one Castles and Dragons and Superheroes

Class two Rock and Roll and The Iron Man

Class three Inventors and Inventions and Food, Glorious Food


Autumn 2022

Class one My Family and Me and Terrific Tales

Class two There's No Place Like Home and Fighting Fit

Class three Sparks Might Fly and A Kingdom United


Summer Term 2022

Class one Fire! Fire! and Buckets and Spades

Class two The Great Plague

Class three The Egyptians


Spring Term 2022

Class one Our Wonderful World and Nature Watch

Class two What the Romans did for us

Class three Super Sleuth


Autumn Term 2021

Class one Terrific Tales and Amazing Animals

Class two Excellent Explorers

Class three Earthlings


Summer Term 2021

Class one Once Upon a Time and Terrific Transport

Class two The Iron Man and The Art of Food

Class three Oh! I do like to be beside the Seaside


Spring Term 2021

Class one Animals and their habitats and Castles and Dragons

Class two Water, Water Everywhere

Class three Survival


Autumn Term 2020

Class one My Family and Me

Class two Rock and Roll

Class three Food, Glorious Food!




 If you would like additional information about our curriculum please contact Mrs Monks in the school office.