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Sports Premium Funding 

Since 2013 the government has providing funding to provide new and substantial primary school sports. The funding has been jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and has seen money going directly to primary school Head Teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.

Purpose of the funding

Impact Report 2023/24

All schools have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but there is freedom to choose how we do this.

Use of the funding at Dalton St Michael’s C.E. Primary School

The money is used so that all children benefit regardless of their sporting ability. We will continue to place a high priority on our P.E. provision. At Dalton St Michael’s C.E. Primary School we have:

  • Bought into the Schools Sports Partnership. This means we get a half day of qualified coaches coming into school to provide a rolling programme of PE and Sport.
  • Membership of the School Sports Partnership who organise inter-school competitions (when it is safe to do so), CPD and network meetings for PE subject leaders 
  • A new Change4Life sport club
  • Paid for professional development opportunities in PE/Sport
  • Provided cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/Sport
  • Bought additional resources for PE/sport
  • Additional swimming lessons
  • Provided a range of After-school clubs and opportunities for outdoor adventurous experiences


At Dalton St Michael’s the funding for 2023/24 was £16560.

In recent terms the additional funding has enabled us to provide more physical enrichment and greater opportunities for the children:

  • Our Nursery, Reception and Year one children took part in 'Mini wheelers' sessions using balance bikes (year one  missed this opportunity in the last academic year due to COVID19). This has been really beneficial in previous years where rapid progress was made. In fact, children have been able to confidently ride a two wheeler bike without the need for stabilisers as verified by parents. 
  • Year three and year four children took part in 'Scooting Stars' learning how to use scooters effectively and safely 
  • Additional scooting sessions were accessed by our year five and six pupils
  • Year five and six children had the opportunity to take part in Bikeability lessons to support the safe use of bicycles on the roads
  • Year five and six children all had the opportunity to attend the residential to BorwIck Hall completing a range of outdoor adventurous activities 
  • In 2023/24 all children from Reception to Year six benefitted from weekly YOGA sessions
  • In Spring 2023 our children in class three took part in Bikeability sessions achieving level 1 or level 2 
  • All children in school completed YOGI sessions
  • Children in year 4, year 5 and year 6 will have outdoor adventurous activities during their residential trip to Borwick Hall in June 2023


Impact of the funding at Dalton St Michael's C.E. Primary School

Since accessing the Sports funding we have been fortunate that this has helped to consolidate the physical skills of the majority of our pupils. It has enabled us to provide opportunities for the children to take part in many more inter-school sports activities and excel in a variety of areas at both individual and team level.

To ensure the sustainability of these improvements, all staff have worked with the qualified coaches in a range of activities across the Primary P.E. National Curriculum. All our teaching staff teach P.E. throughout the school year and are confident to do so. Assessments are kept up-to-date and indicate the progress the children have made in each aspect of P.E. These assessments are used as a diagnostic tool to aid future planning.

In 2022/23 85.7% of our year 6 children met the national standard for swimming.

100% of our year 6 children met the national curriculum requirement for swimming. They were able to access additional sessions during 2020/21.