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Welcome to year one's class page 

Class One

Welcome to Class one's page. In this class we have 10 Year 2 children and 7 year 1 children. 
We are taught by Mrs Liversidge and Mrs Robinson and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Sherwood. 

The Farm Shop

The stories/areas of learning we will be focussing on each week will be...

W/C- 15th April - Stories with familiar settings- Farmer Duck, The Pig in the Pond, Mudpuddle Farm

W/C-  22nd April - Stories with familiar settings- Farmer Duck, The Pig in the Pond, Mudpuddle Farm

W/C-  29th April-Stories with familiar settings - Farmer Duck, The Pig in the Pond, Mudpuddle Farm

W/C- -6th May -Persuasive texts linked to the farm 

W/C-  13th May-Persuasive texts linked to the farm 

W/C- 20th May-Riddles 

Mathematics Mastery Year 1 

week 1 - Place Value

week 2 -Place Value

week 3 - Addition and subtraction

week 4 - Fractions

week 5 - Position and direction, time 

Week 6 -2D and 3D shapes


Mathematics Mastery Year 2

week 1 - Assessment/Number and place value

week 2 - Number and place value, statistics

week 3 - Addition and subtraction

week 4 -Fractions

week 5- Position and direction, time

week 6 - 2D and 3D Shapes

Rock Star Day

Creating binary trees

Computing - 'Guess Who' Avatars 'Asking yes/no questions

Creating spreadsheets from class data about house types

Fighting Fit

The stories/areas of learning we will be focussing on each week will be...

W/C- 19th February - Exploring characters within stories 

W/C- 26th February - Identifying features of a traditional tale 

W/C- 4th March - Writing traditional tales

W/C-11th March - Instructions 

W/C- 18th March - Instructions 

W/C- 25th March - Instructions 

Mathematics Mastery Year 1 

week 1 -Length and Mass

week 2 -Addition and Subtraction

week 3 - Fractions

week 4 - Position and direction

week 5 - Time 

Week 6 - Assess and review 


Mathematics Mastery Year 2

week 1 - Multiplication and division

week 2 - Multiplication and division

week 3 - Addition and subtraction

week 4 -2D and 3D Shapes 

week 5 -Fractions, position and direction

week 6 - Time



Easter Bonnets

Mass - weighing different items

Instructions- Playground games

Easter Fun with Crazy Jo

PSHE working together

RE - The Last Supper

Following instructions

RE - Palm Sunday

Hop in to Spring

Creating spreadsheets in computing

2D shapes

World Book Day

Looking at different arrays

Completing our topic making Inuit boats

Arctic Adventures

The stories/areas of learning we will be focussing on each week will be...

W/C- 8th January - Stories by the same Author Lost and Found 

W/C- 15th January -Stories by the same Author Lost and Found/Up and Down 

W/C- 22nd January -Stories by the same Author Up and Down

W/C-29th January - Non-Chronological Texts based on animals/habitats/Arctic/explorers

W/C- 5th February - Non-Chronological Texts based on animals/habitats/Arctic/explorers


Mathematics Mastery Year 1 

week 1 - Number and Place Value 

week 2 -Number and Place Value

week 3 - Measurement/Geometry 2D and 3D Shape

week 4 - Counting and Money

week 5 -Multiplication 


Mathematics Mastery Year 2

week 1 -Addition/Money

week 2 -Sequencing and sorting 

week 3 - Counting, multiplication and sorting 

week 4 -Fractions

week 5 -Capacity and volume/Money


Blubber Experiment

Music on the glockenspiels

PSHE- The Spider game. Finding a connection with members of our class

Cosmic Yoga - Arctic

Fire! Fire!

The stories/areas of learning we will be focussing on each week will be...

W/C- 30 th October - Room on the Broom- Halloween Activities

W/C- 6th November - The Princess and The Dragon, Zog 

W/C-13th November - Zog, Zog and The Flying Doctors

W/C-20th November -  The Snow Dragon 

W/C- 27th November - Non-Fiction texts linked to The Great Fire of London

W/C - 11th December - Non-Fiction texts linked to The Great Fire of London

W/C - 18th December - Poems on a theme - The Great Fire of London 



Mathematics Mastery Year 1 

week 1 - Sequencing and sorting

week 2 -Fractions

week 3 - Fractions

week 4 - Capacity and volume

week 5 -Money

week 6 -Money

week 7 - Assessment 

Mathematics Mastery Year 2

week 1 -Addition/Money

week 2 -Sequencing and sorting 

week 3 - Counting, multiplication and sorting 

week 4 -Fractions

week 5 -Capacity and volume/Money

week 6 Money

week 7 - Time 

Making bar charts

Halloween Disco

This term our topic is 

The Place Where I Live 

The stories/areas of learning we will be focussing on each week will be...

W/C- 4th September (week one) - Katie Morag

W/C- 11th September (week 2) - Katie Morag 

W/C- 18th September (week 3) -Katie Morag

W/C-25th September  (week 4) -Katie Morag/ Non-Chronological reports

W/C- 2nd October (week 5) - Non-Chronological reports

W/C - 9th October (week 6) - Non-Chronological reports

W/C - 16th October(week 7) - Poems on a theme


Mathematics Mastery Year 1 

week 1 - Fractions 

week 2 -Time 

week 3 - Multiplication and division

week 4 - Statistics and calculation 

week 5 -Measurement 

week 6 -Sorting and sequencing 

week 7 - Shape 

Mathematics Mastery Year 2

week 1 - Number and place value

week 2 -Number and place value 

week 3 - Addition and subtraction

week 4 -Addition and subtraction

week 5 -Geometry 2D and 3D shapes

week 6 Consolidation 

week 7 - Assessment 

3D Shapes

Messy maps of our local area

Science- testing our pulse rates after different exercises

2D shapes

Playground leaders with class 3


Atlas work

Re telling Katie Morag stories

Sign Along with Crazy Jo

This term our topic is

Ticket to Ride

The stories/areas of learning we will be focussing on each week will be ...

W/C- 5th June (week 1) - phonics focus

W/C- 12th June (week 2) - Naughty Bus/You Can't Take an Elephant on a Bus 

W/C- 19th June (week 3) - The Train Ride 

W/C- 26th June (week 4) - The Snail and The Whale 

W/C- 3rd July (week 5) - The Way Back Home 

W/C - 10th July (week 6) - Eugene the Plane Spotter 

W/C - 17th July (week 7) - Bob The Man on the Moon 

Mathematics Mastery Year 1 


week 1 - Number and Place Value

week 2 -Number and Place value 

week 3 - Number and Place Value 

week 4 - Addition and subtraction

week 5 -Addition and subtraction 

week 6 Measurement length and mass 

week 7 - Geometry 2D and 3D shapes 

PSHE working together in teams

Outdoor yoga session

Making a healthy fruit salad

Observing leaves in science

This term our topic is 

In The Garden 

The stories/areas of learning we will be focussing on each week will be...

WC-17th April  (week one) - Instructions 

WC-24th April (week two) - Instructions 

WC-1st April (week three) -The Tiny Seed 

WC-8th May (week 4) - Oliver's Vegetables 

WC-15th May (week 5) - The Gigantic Turnip 

WC-27th March (week 6) - Poems/rhymes linked to growth 

Mathematics Mastery Year 1 - Spring term 2


week 1 - Number and place value

week 2 - Addition and subtraction

week 3 - Addition and subtraction 

week 4 - Fractions

week 5 -Geometry (position, direction and time)

week 6 -Geometry (shape) 

Place value work

Mini Wheelers

Planting seeds

Junk Modelling

Comparing fruits and seeds

This term our topic is 


The stories we will be focussing on each week will be...

WC-20th February (week one) - Supertato 

WC-27th February (week two) - Supertato Veggies Assemble 

WC-6th March (week three) -Superheroes All Sorts

WC-13th March (week 4) -Super Daisy 

WC-20th March (week 5) - Traction Man/ Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey

WC-27th March (week 6) - There's a Superhero In Your Book/ Supertato The Great Eggscape! 

Mathematics Mastery Year 1 - Spring term 2


week 1 - Addition and subtraction 

week 2 - Addition and subtraction

week 3 - Fractions 

week 4 - Time 

week 5 - Length/Mass

week 6 -Position and Direction/assessment 

Superhero Den Building

Fractions finding halves and quarters

Art work by Giuseppe Arcimboldo

PSHE Playing games and working together in teams

We have been working on our addition and subtraction

Drawing and writing on our new boards

Acting out alternative endings to Supertato

In Computing we have been working on instructions and algorithms. We had to give clear instructions to make a cheese sandwich! It didn't always work!

Dressing up as Superheroes


This term our topic is 

Castles and Dragons

The stories we will be focussing on each week will be...

WC-2nd Jan (week one) - Zog

WC-9th Jan (week two) - Paper Bag Princess/George and the Dragon

WC-16th Jan (week three) - The Dragon and the Nibblesome Knight

WC-24th Jan (week 4) - The Knight Who Wouldn't Fight 

WC-30th Jan (week 5) - The Knight Who Said 'No!'

WC-6th Feb (week 6) - Everything Castles (Non-Ficion)

Mathematics Mastery Year 1 - Spring term 1 

week 1 - Number and Place Value 

week 2 - Number and Place Value 

week 3 - Multiplication

week 4 - Division

week 5 -Geometry 2D and 3D Shapes 

week 6 - Counting and Money 

In ICT we have been learning all about pictograms. We have completed a class survey of how we travel to school and our favourite fruits. We then had to roll the die and record the number 20 times and record our information using 2Simple on Purple Mash. 

In Geography we have been looking at features of maps and designing our own maps with a key. We also programmed the Bee Bots to move around the maps. 

In maths we have been learning all about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. 

In maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. We have been finding double and half of different amounts and have been using counters and a whole and part diagram to help with our working out. 

We have been enjoying our castles and dragons topic. We love our castle role play area and love dressing up in the fancy dress outfits. We have been reading lots of stories linked to castles and dragons. We have also been making castles using the multi-link cubes and the big wooden blocks. 

Seasonal Changes

In science we are looking at the seasonal changes that take place from Autumn to Winter. We have been measuring and recording the temperature daily and making observations about the weather. We have also had fun playing out in the snow! 

Christmas Party Fun!

This term our topic is

Terrific Tales!

The stories we will be focusing on each week will be...

Wc- 31st Oct 22 (Week one) -  Snow white and the seven dwarfs ( also Spooky crafts and bonfire/firework crafts this week) 

Wc 7th Nov 22- (Week two) - Little red Riding Hood 

Wc 14th Nov 22 (week three) - Little Red riding hood 

Wc 21st Nov 22 ( Week four) - The Gingerbread man  

Wc 28th Nov 22 (Week five) - The Gingerbread man and Gingerbread man 2

Wc 5th Dec 22 (Week six)  - Jack and the beanstalk 

Wc 12th Dec (Week seven) Christmas week. Activities and Stories

Mathematics - Autumn term 2 - week 1 - sequencing and sorting

                                                         Week 2 - Time 

                                                         Week 3&4 - Fractions

                                                         Week 5 - Money 

                                                         Week 6 - Assessment week

Ordering Months of the year.

Mathematics - Autumn term 1 - We have been focusing on addition, subtraction and shape.

Here are some brilliant examples of the children's hard work during their maths sessions.


Here the children used strips of paper to create shapes, they also talked about the different properties of the shapes they made.

Signs of Autumn 

Today we went on an Autumn adventure. The children enjoyed collecting lots of different natural items. 

Football Club for Infants

Years 1 and 2 have started their football club at lunchtimes on a Friday. They really enjoyed their first session.

Useful Websites:

Here are some websites that we use in class to help us with our learning. You can click onto the name and it will take you to our log in page.

Spelling Shed

Purple Mash