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Dalton St. Michael's C.E. Primary School 


Thank you for visiting our school website. Here you will find useful information to help you. Please take a little time to look around the website. We will be adding further information over the coming weeks.

If you would like to visit our school please ring the school office for an appointment to look around. Mrs Monks would be happy to arrange this or to answer any queries you may have regarding the school. 


We have places for three year olds in our Nursery and some places in other year groups, please contact the school office for more information.  

Have a look at what our children have been doing on our Facebook page.

Afterschool Clubs (3.15-4pm)

Paid for wrap around care through Dalton Discoverers is still available until 5pm every evening.


Monday - Wellbeing Club with Mrs Liversidge (Infant children) and Year 5/6 Homework Club with Mrs Ball

Tuesday - Wellbeing/Mindfulness Club with Miss Lacey (Junior children)

Wednesday - No afterschool club due to staff training

Thursday - Dance Club (Junior children)

Friday - Football Club (Infant children)


Please let the office know if you would like you child to attend these club, spaces may be limited due to staffing levels. Clubs start week beginning 20th January.

We would love to hear about your child's achievements outside school, please submit your entry here

Please find advice from our School Nurse at Virgin Care here

Back to School Leaflet from Virgin Care

Information to support children 

Young Minds


Latest School Calendar Events

Dalton Dinkies11Feb2025

9:00 am - 10:20 am @ School Hall

A parent and toddler group that everyone is welcome to attend

Safer Internet Day11Feb2025

Ukulele Lessons (Years 4-6)13Feb2025

9:30 am - 10:00 am @ School Hall

Please ensure all children in Years 4-6 bring their Ukulele in today.

Sports Council Meeting13Feb2025

10:00 am - 12:00 pm @ Robin Park Arena

A chance for our Sports Councillors to discuss Sports in West Lancs

West Lancs Sports Partnership - Athletics14Feb2025

9:00 am - 12:00 pm @ School Hall

Please ensure they have appropriate kit with them

Calendars page(s): School Calendar >>

Miss Lacey is our trained Mental Health First Aider. If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact her.